Pepperoni vs. Peperoni

At our Bothell Italian restaurant, you can enjoy a classic pepperoni pizza off of our list of real, wood stone fired pizzas. This is a favorite choice for many, representing a classic form of Italian food for Americans from coast to coast. However, did you realize that “pepperoni pizza” is technically not Italian?

In truth, pepperoni is an Italian American invention that is largely known outside of Italy. If you go to a restaurant in Italy, you may see something called “peperoni pizza” on the menu. If you order this, you will receive a pizza covered with bell peppers. In some places that are more accustomed to getting foreign tourists, you may be able to find a more familiar pepperoni pizza; the trick is to look out for the third “P” in the name. When you want a pepperoni pizza in Italy, your best bet is to ask for a pizza with salami.