Why Wood-fired Pizzas Taste Better
Wood-burning ovens have been around since ancient times. In Central Europe, earth ovens were discovered in the ground; they were large pits that were believed to be used to roast mammoth.
Now as far as pizzas go, they are not baked in underground pits the size of a prehistoric animal, but great pizzas ones are cooked in modern, portable wood-fired ovens.
Culinary experts cite the many benefits of pizza cooked this way. Firstly, the pizzas cook quickly. At higher temperatures, about 600 to 700 degrees, it cuts pizza cooking time sharply. You get your pizza in under 5 minutes in a wood-fired oven, depending on dough thickness. Also, the even distribution of heat enhances the pizza flavor with that unique smokiness to taste. Then, when pizzas with veggies and fruits are cooked over a flame, the shorter time it takes preserves specific nutrients and antioxidants; longer will deplete the pizza’s nutritional value. Lastly, cooking with wood oven is an energy saver. You don’t use gas or electricity, just heat from fire.
With a variety of toppings available – tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms, chicken, garlic, onions, meatballs, pepperoni, pineapple, and a whole lot more – you get a plethora of distinguished flavors combined with optimal crust that is crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside. It’s a surreal experience for most pizza lovers.
Wood-Fired Pizzas in Bothell
At Amaro Bistro, have a great pizza experience in candlelit surroundings. Enjoy our wood-fired pizza in five distinct flavors. Amaro serves only fresh and local ingredients, cooked the old Tuscan way. Locals and visitors in town love our pasta, insalate, our grilled delights,and our cozy bar. And our famous wood-fired pizzas – just one of the specialties of your Italian restaurant in Bothell.