Is Red Wine Heart-Healthy?

Though liquor is not generally a health food, many doctors will tell you that a moderate consumption of red wine is a fair addition to a health-conscious diet. Though the effects of red wine are not well understood, it has been observed that such wines might serve to decrease one’s risk of a heart attack or stroke.

The reasons behind this may be multi-faceted. The alcoholic content has a certain relaxing effect, which can reduce the stress that aggravates heart disease. Red wine pairs this effect with resveratrol, an antioxidant that has been found to protect your blood vessels from damage while also decreasing your levels of LDL cholesterol and discouraging clotting. This antioxidant is not found in beers, white wines, or other liquors.

Unfortunately, most of these observations have only been made with animal testing, and nothing conclusive has been drawn from human testing on the effects of red wine. All the same, it remains clear that red wine is a delicious way to complement many of the meals at our Bothell Italian restaurant. Come try one of Amaro Bistro’s many red wine offerings tonight!